Wednesday, June 13, 2018

2018 Update

Life has been busy.  Isn't it always though?  It seems like life never really slows down quite enough for my flies by in the blink of an eye.  I haven't been on this blog in almost a year....and so much has happened in that time.  Lately I have missed blogging and have been considering starting it back up again.  I finally decided to actually do so tonight. 

The past year has been a year of chaos, big changes, and happiness.  So many changes in such a short amount of time.  I'm married now.  Which is crazy to me because literally in my last post which is from last July, I was as single as any person could be.  Not even a month after my last post, I entered into a relationship the man who is now my husband.  It was a face paced relationship; we started dating in August, got engaged in January, and in May of this year we became husband and wife.  I never saw myself in a whirlwind kind of relationship that I've seen so many people caught up in.  I always have been more of a, 'be good friends for a while, date for a year or two, and then become engaged' kind of girl.  Yet, here I am, married after being with someone for just nine months.  God definitely had plans for me that where not what I had in mind.  Yet, I wouldn't change it for anything.  We're both bumbling along, trying to figure out this thing called marriage and trying to live it out in a manner that brings glory to  God.

On top of being married, this past year has seen other changes as well.  Obviously, with the marriage comes the changes of living on 'my own', having to figure out how to budget groceries and such, figuring out how to keep up with housework, and figuring out my husband!  I also finished all of my classes for my degree which is exciting!  I just have to finish up some community service credits and then I will be able to graduate.  This last semester was extremely tough because I had so many things on my plate (like planning a wedding, balancing time with friends, family, and fiance, and work) so I am quite relieved for it to be over and to never have to take a class ever again!  

Well, now you have been caught up on my life for the past year that I have been silent.  I plan on giving this blog a makeover and attempt to blog regularly, at least weekly.  I have a lot of thoughts in my head and I need a place to write them down. I also have been doing a lot of pondering on the importance of authenticity and I want to be able to encourage and uplift any people who happen upon this little blog of mine. So....expect some more updates and some more posts very soon!