Friday, October 19, 2018

What do you value most in life?

I wrote the following piece after watching the documentary 'Take Your Pills' on Netflix.. Most of the material in this writing piece is a reflection on the facts presented in the documentary as well as what I have seen in my own life and the lives of those around me.
The culture that we live in today in America is all about results and speed.  The obsession with bigger, faster, better results has resulted in a nation of people hooked on opioids and stimulants.  Opioids drown out pain and ‘contain’ the stress, while stimulants such as Adderall and Ritalin allow people to keep up with the never ended workload demands.  This has led to the question of how to find healthier and more natural ways to enhance the mind and body and many companies are now selling brain enhancers and supplements.  However, are mind enhancers and supplements really the solution? While the mind is an amazing organ with great potential and seeking to strengthen it to reach full potential is not necessarily harmful (rather, it can be, of course, beneficial) the constant need for bigger, better, and faster results in society and especially in the workforce creates a community of people being pushed beyond healthy limits.
What if the solution to this opioid and stimulant crises that this nation is facing is not simply a different way to enhance the mind or numb the pain? Perhaps instead, it would be more beneficial to take a step back from the fetish this country has with constant busyness, success, and productivity and refuse to participate in it any longer.  Maybe instead of seeking out ways to keep up with such a chaotic and exhausting system, seeking ways to ‘fit in’ to a system that demands so much of oneself (and demands more than oneself has to offer on their own) one should simply cut the chaos out of their lives In essence, what if individuals stopped running themselves ragged in order to keep up with the demands of society to perform better, faster, and more - a system that has driven people to stimulants in order to keep up with such demands and opioids to numb pain and stress?  What if, instead, individuals stopped and evaluated what it is they care about most in life and what they view as most valuable and meaningful in life, and poured their energy into that? For instance, if one finds that family and friends, writing, and time spent in nature is what they value most, then one can put those at the top of the list and cut out the things that are less valuable to them. If one finds computer programming, video games, and music to be at the top of their list of things they value, then they can put those above other things in life and cut out the things that are less meaningful to them.  This does not mean abandoning duties or responsibilities in life but rather, cutting out unnecessary aspects of life that society has pressured one to take part in because it is the ‘normal’ thing to do. While work is an important and necessary aspect of life, when other valuable and meaningful parts of our life begin to suffer from how much we invest into work, the question that must be answered is, “Is this worth it”? If one places what they most value at the top of their priorities, then these are the things that one's time will be most spent. All other aspects of life will filter down below the things one most values, there to partake in if time allows after focusing on the aspects of life that one most esteems rather than focusing and spending time on so many activities in life that hold no meaning or value to a person. When one focuses on so many expectations and duties in life that hold no meaning to them other than societal norms, it is not wonder that one would turn to stimulants, opioids, and brain enhancers to cope with such a cluttered and busy life.  Perhaps it is time for people to step back and slow down and declutter their lives and throw societal norms and pressures aside and focus on what truly matters to each of them individually.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

On Strong Willed and Vocal Women. . .

I have always been a very strong willed and vocal female.  Sometimes, it can get me in trouble.  My strong will, vocalness, and stubbornness can lead me astray and I am not always in the right. But, my strong personality can also be a blessing and stronghold in my life, holding me fast to my values, standards, and morals and keeping me grounded upon what I hold to be true and right.  While people do not always like my determination and strong, loud, vocal opinions, it shaped me into a very strong person.  I am far from narrow minded, almost always willing to be open minded on a subject and I try to be open to the possibility that I may be wrong about things.  But, I also do not back down from what I find to be true.  I have a fierce love for people and a 'mama bear' personality that is always down to fight for the outcasts....even when no one else will.  I am thankful that God has given me such a strong and stubborn will.  It provides a firm foundation when it is aligned with His word and His values, a foundation I can stand upon without backing down.  It could be easy to become discouraged and seek to mute myself, my personality, and my character in order to be accepted by others.  It is definitely tempting to stifle and quiet myself to blend into what others would have me to be.  Strong and vocal women are often dubbed as 'bitches'.  We are viewed as hardened, uptight, even narrow-minded.  Fellow strong willed, vocal women, know this - You are not 'hard'.  You are not a 'bitch'.  You are strong individuals, sculpted and molded into the women you are today by your loving Creator.  Jesus was a vocal individual too.  The religious leaders of His day called him a heretic.  They did not appreciate or welcome His vocal 'opinions'.  While Jesus spent time with sinners and criminals and undesirables and stood up for these people, the religious leaders, the so called 'men of God', tried to quiet Him.  They tried to smother out His voice too.  But they could not.  Fellow women of strength who raise your voices in defense of the mistreated, the sinners, and the misfits, do not let the world smother out your voices!  Do not let others convince you to stifle your passion!  This world needs your voice.  This world needs your strong will, your determination, your burning passion, your loud voices!  Burn bright with the fire that God has bestowed upon you and never stop fighting for what grace and love, for that which is good and just, for that which is right. 

"Just do right.  Right may not be expedient, it may not be profitable, but it will satisfy your soul.  It brings you the kind of protection that bodyguards can't give you.  So try to live your life in a way that you will not regret years of useless virtue and inertia and timidity.  Take up the battle.  Take it up.  It's yours.  This is your life. This is your world." - Maya Angelou

 "Do not go gentle into that good night.  Rage, rage against the dying of the light". - Dylan Thomas

"God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control".  - 2 Timothy 1:7