Saturday, November 8, 2014

Never eat the doughnut.....

So...yesterday I made a boo-boo.  A maple covered, delicious, and yet quite terrible mistake.  My boss brings in doughnuts to work from time to time, for his employees.  Yesterday morning just so happened to one of those days where he brings doughnuts and instead of doing what I usually do, and just ignoring them...I caved and decided to have one.  Just one doughnut will be okay....I'll just get a stomach will be fine.  And, during the day, it was fine.  I thought I had avoided the not so great reaction I normally get from gluten and corn products....and then the evening approached.  As the late afternoon and evening went on...I noticed my back was starting to hurt a lot.  That's not really that odd though...I have mild scoliosis in my upper spine and so, I get a lot of pain in my upper back and neck fairly often.  But, the pain just got worse and worse as the evening went on.  I was still at work at this point, and it wasn't unbearable pain, so I just tried to ignored it and concentrated on working.  It went all downhill from there, however.  As the pain worsened, I started is very possible this is caused by that doughnut.  But, I just shoved that thought aside and focused on trying to finish up at work so I could head over to an essential oils class that was going on that night.  But...the back pain was just the beginning of my reaction.  I started struggling with one of the programming devices at's a finicky thing and likes to give people trouble. I spent 15 to 20 minutes struggling with it, getting more and more frustrated, till I became ridiculously irate, extremely irritable, and started having a anxiety attack. (Are you kidding me?  It's just a stupid programmer....can you not do this right now, body?).  I failed to remember that gluten doesn't just affect my stomach.  It also increases the inflammation all over my body, as well as increases all of my problems caused by my anxiety disorder.  I was able to get the attack to calm down a little, and kept working.  By the time I got to the essential oil class (a half hour late) I had calmed down and thought I'd be fine.  However, I spent the entire evening with a throbbing back pain, a stabbing headache, and anxiety flowing through my veins.  The pain left me almost in tears.  That's when I knew, this is because of that doughnut....this is because I ate gluten.  I got home later that evening and had my mom help lather my back with essential oil blend she had made (lemon grass, lavender, peppermint, cedarwood, and frankincense) followed by wintergreen essential oil (one of my favorites for aches and pains) and peppermint oil.  It didn't take all the pain away, but it did help immensely.  I used Edens Garden essential oil blend, Relaxation, and their blend Stress Relief (their version of Stress Away) on my feet to help me sleep and their Breathe Easier (somewhat similar to Young Livings blend, Raven, ingredient, I believe) oil blend on my chest to help with my breathing difficulty from the anxiety.  They worked like a charm and I was able to sleep soundly.  I woke up this morning feeling much better.  My body is still inflamed back still hurts, though not enough to bring me to tears like last night, and overall, my entire body is achy and feels yuck.  All because of yesterday's maple-covered mistake.  Was it worth it?  No....not it was not.  And I should have known that....I should have just turned away from the pile of doughnuts and had some water.  But instead, I chose to eat that stupid doughnut...and now, I'm paying for it.  Talk about consequences.  Next time I'm considering cheating and eating a 'little' gluten....I think I'll pass.  Never again, maple doughnut...never again.

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