Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 1

I only have my phone so this is just a brief and not super well written update of yesterday that I jotted down last night.

26 long hours in planes and airports and I finally landed in Brisbane. Spent the night attempting to sleep on a small couch in the airport while clutching all my luggage. Airports are not exactly restful case anyone thought they are. Attempted to use the airport shower.... but the water was freezing so I only stuck my head in to wash my hair a bit. Met Heidi and Mark. Waited for the rest of the students to land. We all rode a bus to a hostel where we locked our bags in a room before walking to a restaurant for lunch. After lunch (gluten free pancakes, eggs, and bacon!!!) We proceeded to walk around the city and take a ferry across the river. Fun fact....the river has bull sharks in it.
A beetle flew in my hair. Brisbane is beautiful.

Walked back to the hostel where we had about an hour to freshen up and relax before dinner. But then...Cramps.... Cramps from hell (Tmi...but we all know I'm full of Tmi). Skipped dinner because I felt so terrible and was asleep by 8 pm.

I'm already in love with Australia and I've only experienced one day in it.

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