Saturday, December 21, 2013

First post.....

I used to have an awesome blog.  I kept up with it throughout high school.  It was the bomb.  Then I just stopped posting on it.  I went away to college and got busy and then I got a Tumblr and was too busy using Tumblr to post on my blog.  My blog is still drifting around on the internet.....but I no longer can log in to get on it.  The e-mail address and password I used for it have been forgotten, so my poor old blog just sits there, abandoned and sad and lonely.  So, here I am, years later, with a new blog.  A new blogger account. 

I'm currently attempting to make my life 'more natural'.  Less harmful chemicals.  I guess I'm on a 'natural kick'.  There are so many harmful chemicals immersed in our daily life these days.  I can only imagine what they are doing to our health.  I struggle with health issues, fatigue, and pain, and I've been thinking, maybe it has something to do with the amount of chemicals and processed food.  Now, I'm not about to go completely and utterly 'El Natural'.......but I definitely think that cutting the chemicals and processed things in my life back and keeping them to a minimum is a good thing.  Maybe it will just be a kick.  Maybe it won't last.  But I'm gonna give it a shot.  Because I believe without a doubt that all those chemicals are very harmful and bad for our bodies and well-being. 

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